What to Look for in a Real Estate Agent

Experienced real estate agents listen to your concerns and know their market. They probably work at the biggest brokerage, close the majority of transactions, or make the most money. If it is your first time selling or buying a property, you need the help of a professional who has done it many times over.

When seeking out an agent, here are some qualities to look for:

Extensive Market Knowledge

If you are selling a house, you want to get a fair price. And if you are selling one, you want to avoid overpaying. This makes it important to work with a professional like Montrose Real Estate Agent Delphine Jadot who knows the market well and can provide you with insights into what you must pay or list your house for.

If you are planning to purchase an investment property, your agent should have experience in this field. They should be able to tell you what rents go for in the area. Or if you are considering a fix-and-flip situation, the right agent can provide you with a sense of how much to pay for a home.

Reliable References

Successful agents have worked with many clients who are willing to share their experiences with you. They don’t hesitate to give you as many references as you want, together with their contact numbers. Once you have this information, call each of these references and ask about how the agent helped them went through processes successfully.


Real estate agents specialize in various transactions. For instance, a listing agent can help you sell a home while a buyer’s agent will help you find a home to buy. By choosing an agent with the right specialization, you can be sure they have the experience needed to help you make the most out of the transaction.

Reasonable Fees

While agents can set their own fees, the majority of them charge a commission within the 5% to 6$ range. If the agent charges a higher rate, ask what you will get in return for it. Also, try to negotiate the rate. The lower the commission to pay, the more money from the home sale you can get for yourself.

Favorable Contract Terms

When you choose an agent, you must also see what kind of contract you will lock yourself into. Choose an agent with a reasonable contract length, which could mean 90 days or less or 180 days or less. This often depends on how quickly properties move in the market.

Not sure if a short sale is right for you? Our team can help! We’ll guide you through the process and help you make the best decision for your situation.