If you are looking for somewhere to live in Bangkok, there is a wealth of choice available as there are estimates that there are around 500,000 empty houses, condos, and other residential buildings sitting empty. With so much choice it is a renter’s market, but if you are looking to move to the city, you will want to do some research before committing to live in a location. Below are some factors that you will need to consider when looking for a property to rent, which may help you in your search for somewhere to live for you and your family.
What Type Of Property Do You Want?
Whether you are looking to rent a detached house, townhouse, shop front or rent an apartment, Bangkok has something to suit all tastes and budgets if you look hard enough. If you wish to live in a house, you will also need to decide if you want to live on a private walled estate with security guards, or a regular home on the street. A private estate does have added security and features such as swimming pools and gyms, but they are also more expensive. Houses close to the city centre are also in short supply, so it will cost a lot of money if this is where you want to live. However, choosing a shop front or condo to live in can get you closer to the city centre and be much more affordable if location if a high priority for where you will live.
The Best Location
The best location for you to live is going to depend on whether you are working and if you have children that are living with you. Getting around Bangkok can be a nightmare, especially when it is raining, and it can seem like the city is one giant traffic jam at times. As such, you will want to love close to both your place of work and the school for your children which will mean that you spend much less time travelling around the city daily.
Your Budget
Another vital factor which is going to dictate where you can live in Bangkok and what type of property is your budget. The bigger your available budget, the more likely you are to be able to get a property that you want, in your ideal location, and this can help to live in a city like Bangkok much easier to deal with for people. Bangkok can be an assault on your senses with so many sights, sounds, and smells to take in as you go around the city, so choosing a place to live that you are comfortable with and is easy to travel around is vital when you are looking to move to Bangkok.